Sunday, June 27, 2010

Knee Conundrum

Medical Opinion #1: Torn Ligament. 4 to 6 weeks recovery... at the least. No ibuprofen. Reduce running mileage and frequency, but don't quit... unless the pain increases.

Medical Opinion #2: Muscle Imbalance creating friction. Start developing the weaker muscles to pull the patella back into it's proper track. Take Ibuprofen and ice it. Reduce running mileage and frequency, but don't quit... unless the pain increases.

Well, guess I'll reduce the mileage and frequency as long as the pain doesn't increase and also start the additional exercises... and then wait to see what happens.

Ice and Ibuprofen... haven't decided yet.

Not sure where the Ibuprofen might be at the moment and as far as the ice thing goes... I'm still getting thawed out from winter!

The good news is that I made it through 11 weeks and more than 200 miles of consistent/regular training and even managed to run in the March Point 5K earlier this month. In addition, I've managed to hit two new summits: Mailbox Peak and Mount Washington, which probably wouldn't have happened without the training.

After five consecutive days of 'rest', we'll see what happens after an easy run on Sunday.

Please, be responsible for your own physical health. It's for your own good. Start now by signing up on to log your workouts, track your progress and even be my friend! It's like facebook, but the main topic is keeping on track to improve your health (instead of everyone insisting that you adopt this kitten that wandered onto my farm).

See you there?


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